Contando às abelhas... Insetos & Arte- #02

"Before them, under the garden wall,
Forward and back
Went, drearily singing, the chore-girl small,
Draping each hive with a shred of black.

Trembling, I listened; the summer sun
Had the chill of snow;
For I knew she was telling the bees of one
Gone on the journey we all must go!

"Stay at home, pretty bees, fly not hence!
Mistress Mary is dead and gone!"
[Trecho de Home Ballads por John Greenleaf Whittier]

Contar às abelhas a morte de um ente querido era uma tradição bastante difundida na Europa. Existem poemas e belas pinturas que expressam esses momentos de perda.

Hans Thoma (1839–1924)

 Artista: Charles Napier Hemy (1841–1917)

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